And good taste. All of the publishers with whom I have stories have been nominated for BEST PUBLISHER at Love Romances Cafe's BEST of 2008!
In alphabetical order:
Aspen Mountain Press
Liquid Silver Books
Loose Id
ManLoveRomance Press.
I am so proud to be associated with them. They truly represent the best in small press publishing.
Aspen Mountain Press
Liquid Silver Books
Loose Id
ManLoveRomance Press.
I am so proud to be associated with them. They truly represent the best in small press publishing.
There are some really excellent epublishers out there. It's good to see them getting the recognition they deserve!
Luck, dear, is earthly,
quickly demonic; looky
our blogOramma for the
RealDeal which'll take
you N hubby Upstairs..
God bless you.
Cya soon...
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